Support Page Content
Animal Care & Use
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for the review of all Sacramento State research and instructional activities that involve live vertebrate animals, on or off campus.
Please email any questions to Leah Vargas, Research Integrity and Compliance Officer, or Jeff Calton, IACUC Chair.
- Use Decision Tree,
- Request access to Cayuse and Start application,
- Complete Training in CITI,
- Submit Application in Cayuse,
- IACUC Review & Approval.

Do I need IACUC review?
This decision tree will help you determine if your activity requires IACUC review.
Training for the ethical use of animals in research must be completed prior to new submissions and is required of all protocol personnel. This training is offered online by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at no cost to you. Training must be completed every three years while studies are active.
Please use the registration manual below to select the correct Laboratory Animal Welfare course and species specific electives.
Submit a Protocol
The IACUC Application Guide contains the Cayuse Log-In link, starting and submitting applications, post-approval submissions for modification, and additional resources for proposal development.
You must be logged into your Sacramento State Microsoft 365 to access SharePoint.
Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns
All concerns reported to the IACUC will remain confidential. You may also use the online form to submit anonymous concerns. Examples of concerns include: deviations from an approved protocol, unanticipated animal deaths, animal injury, illness, or disease, illness or injury to personnel due to animal activities, emergencies involving an IACUC protocol, facility issues that affect animal wellbeing, and involving animals in research/instruction without IACUC approval.
Submit Online
IACUC Office: (916) 278-5674
CSUS Whistleblower Hotline: (800) 952-5665
Sacramento State
6000 J Street
Library 2520 (MS 6093)
Sacramento, CA 95819
Occupational Health & Safety Program (OHSP)
All animal personnel must read the OHSP Packet and complete a Risk Assessment and Medical Evaluation prior to frequent contact with animals.
Each animal facility must have 1) a Health Care Services Facility Poster posted in the lab, 2) a Zoonotic Disease Poster posted outside of the lab, and 3) a Reporting Concerns poster in the lab. Please access our SharePoint for all documents.
IACUC Occupational Health & Safety Program